Are you buying a car and wondering where the VIN number is on a BMW and what it is? A VIN number is an individual number assigned to a specific vehicle. It contains information about the technical condition of the car. By decoding the VIN we can learn about the vehicle’s history, country of origin, original colour or accident rate. VIN BMW depends model like: BMW 128i, BMW 135i, BMW 328i, BMW 528i, BMW 128i, BMW 550i Sedan, BMW X3, BMW X5, BMW X6, BMW Z4, BMW M3, BMW M5, BMW M6 and others. If you want to find VIN Number firstly you should check your documents for example: registration card, vehicle title, insurance documents, owner’s manuals, police reports and others. The most popular places on your vehicle are: on the bulkhead, next to spare wheel, on the floor under or next to passenger seat, next to steering wheel, on the left middle column, on bodywork
Where is VIN BMW?
VIN Number of your BMW find here.
Remember that before you buy, check the history of the vehicle. You do this by typing the VIN Number BMW below:
The VIN decoder in the BMW will allow us to check all relevant information about the vehicle. This includes data such as mileage, vehicle history, its original colour or country of origin. Based on such information we can make sure whether the car we are buying is really as the seller presents it. Even a colour change may suggest a serious accident. Use our site to locate the VIN on your car.
BMW VIN number – where is it?
Use the search engine on our website and check the exact location in the model you are interested in. Below we will give some common examples of where the vin is in a BMW:
- Where is the VIN in a BMW 316? The VIN plate is located on the left center pillar, and the VIN on the fixed member is located on the right side reinforcement near the right shock absorber seat.
- Where is the VIN on the BMW 320? The VIN on the fixed member is located on the right side reinforcement near the right shock absorber seat, and the VIN plate is located on the left side reinforcement near the left shock absorber seat.
- Where is the VIN on the BMW 518? The VIN plate is located on the dashboard housing on the left side. In turn, the VIN number on the fixed component is located on the front bulkhead. Additionally, the VIN plate is located on the right center pillar.
- Where is the VIN on the BMW 530? The VIN number on the fixed component is located on the right side reinforcement near the right shock absorber seat.
- Where is the VIN on the BMW 635? The VIN number on the solid part is located on the right side reinforcement near the right shock absorber seat.